Hello. I am THAT I am. I am Clayton Barker and I am a Spiritual Empathy Life Coach that focuses on consciously co-creating Compassionate Communication Practices, Mindfulness Stress Reduction Training, Avadhuta Yoga, Empathy Tea Circles, Mother Earth Goddess Worship, Interfaith Harmony Music, Shambhala Atlantean Energy Healing, and Shamanic Sacred Comedy Wisdom to serve the peace, joy, laughter, and Liberation of ALL beings everywhere. Here are some of the wide ranging services that I offer:

Imagine a world where everyone gets their needs met peacefully and abundantly!
Imagine a world where everyone gets their needs met peacefully and abundantly! 〰️
I have had the lucky privilege to serve 1000’s of individuals, many families, and 150+ organizations across North America, India, Thailand, Maui, and Switzerland since 2007. Here are some highlights from many of my collaborative partners I have been blessed to have teamed up with in conscious co-creation:
Yuba College Public Safety Program
Arroyos Del Norte
Elementary School
Clayton Barker
Clayton Barker is the Spiritual Director of Interbeing Coaching and is a Visionary Multi-Disciplinary Artist, Empathic Life Coach, Healing Conduit, Mystic, Sacred Musician, Singer, Song Writer, and Avadhuta Heyoka Empath Shaman infusing his conscious co-creations, Empathy Tea Circles, Yoga of Nonviolent Communication Playshops, Interbeing Coaching Programs, and ceremonial containers with the timeless expression of the Mother Earth Goddess. His Ethnic Roots are from East Africa, Bab El Mandeb, Turkey, Siberia, Dagestan, Polynesia, South Central Asia, Portugal, Ireland, Scotland, Finland, Switzerland, Germany, and England. He is adopted into the Maidu, Pit River, and Wintu Native American Tribes by his Grand Paa Wind Walker Blue Skin. He grew up with a Doctor Dad who avoided killing in the Vietnam War by becoming a Doctor and he grew up with a Mother who worked for a Suicide Prevention Program and a Battered Women’s shelter as a therapist. These were his first examples of Nonviolence in his life. When he was 2, his aunt committed suicide after she had been gang raped by 4 US Army Soldiers on a US Military Base in Germany.
Clayton also grew up around the realities of gang life in Middle School and High School playing soccer and partying with Surenos, Nortenos, and drug dealers who fought and used guns. Although, he was not in a gang, he was a friend of gang members and clearly remembers 5 gang members getting shot and killed during high school and there being numerous bomb threats at his school. These were his first examples of violence in his life which lead him to search out meditation, prayer, Mother Earth Worship, and Peacemaking skills. Clayton then trained with Dr. Marshall Rosenberg PhD, the founder of the Center for Nonviolent Communication (www.cnvc.org), at 2 International Intensive Trainings for 18 days in 2007 and 2010 and has trained with 40+ Certified Trainers in Nonviolent Communication since 2007. Clayton is a Graduate of the 2011 One Year North American Nonviolent Communication Leadership Program with Roxy Manning PhD of Bay Area Nonviolent Communication (www.baynvc.org). He also graduated from the Year Long Hummingbird Transformational Living Center Community Apprenticeship Program (hummingbirdtlc.org) in 2010 where he co-organized a 9 Day Intensive Training in Nonviolent Communication for Youth Leaders. Shree Hari served at Nonviolent Communication Family Camp for 2 seasons on Vashon Island in 2010 and 2011 (www.nvcfamilycamp.org) and 1 season at the Creating Compassionate Community Camp on Salt Spring Island. Shree Hari helped organize a 21 Day Nonviolent Communication Camp in Auroville in Tamil Nadu in South India in 2011 with the Joy Living Learning Center. He has also worked as a Handy Man since 2001, worked in 8 Hospitals as a Nurse Assistant from 2012 to 2019, and worked as an Emergency Medical Technician in an Ambulance System in the San Francisco Bay Area in 2019 & snuck Divine Mother Worship and Heyoka Empath Shamanism into the whole process.
Clayton received Life Coaching Training from Maria Nemeth and Zo Tobi of the Academy of Coaching Excellence from 2012 to 2016, taking their Beginner, Intermediate, and Advanced Coaching Training Courses. Shree Hari was an Apprentice of Restorative Justice System building with Dominic Barter from 2009 to 2016 in Oakland, Seattle, Chicago, Rochester, Atlanta, Colorado, and Switzerland. Clayton trained in Buddhist, Hindu, Native American, Sufi, Taoist, Christian, Jewish, Yoga, Tantra, and Sikh Spiritual Traditions, learning Meditation, Prayer, and Ceremony Ways with many Masters, Shamans, and Saints from 1992 to present. Clayton has trained with Native American Shamans from many tribes including The Dine’, Taos Pueblo, Lakota, Apache, Yurok, Karuk, Cherokee, Maidu, Wintu, Pit River, Apache, Commanche, Azteca, Black Foot, & Mohican. He lived as an unorthodox Crazy Wisdom Avadhuta Monk from 2010 to 2022 across North America, India, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Japan, Maui, and Switzerland. He received a Bachelor of Arts in Environmental Studies with an Emphasis on Indigenous Rights and Environmental Justice from the University of Colorado at Boulder in 2006. Clayton received initiation into the Heyoka Empath Shaman lineage by surviving being struck by a Lightning Bolt around 2002 which is an ancient traditional initiation into the path of Empathic Sacred Clowning. Today, Clayton has made up his own Interfaith Religion called “Out of the Boxism” and he has 24 Spiritual Teachers from different Elements, Species, and Traditions who guide his path of Interbeing Coaching.
Clayton’s spiritual aim is to serve a world where everyone’s needs can be met peacefully and abundantly with LOVE so that Mother Earth is Worshipped as sacred and the Divine Feminine & Divine Masculine come into beauty, balance, & harmony as the 2 wings of 1 Bird.